



注定是看书啊,因为每次oliver都不说话,在那死是个抽烟。而我呢,又无所事可做,于是乎,拿出手机,看《诛仙》吧,就这样,一个晚上就这样不知不觉间度过了。 外面冷的出奇,眼里是张小凡的坎坷人生,可自己的心里却无法平静。不知道为什么,人在生病的时候,尤其会觉得孤独特别的可怕,也许我像其他人一样吧,需要被关怀,被呵护。“羡慕”现在对我来说,似乎是一种“奢望”了吧。


What a bad luck! I finally cought a cold! It’s very cold three days ago, especially that day was raising a dust, I don’t know why I rode my motor. I have been back home at 23 for working overtime. I felt deeply for the feeling of ride! Of course, base on my physical strength, I centainly cought a cold.

I feel worse today. It’s very lucky that few something to do at the day before holiday. Today I was going to Dingxi for a case, which is replaced a custom’s part.I have been lanzhou at 8. Oliver called me on my way home, he wanna make a date with me, yeah, our similar nest,which is before time. Although I didn’t have dinner yet, I got nothing to do at home, perhaps it’s a good idea.Finally, I took my bag to the place we dated in a hurry.

Well, because oliver doesn’t chat with me actively, the only thing i can do is reading every time. Whatever it is, Let it be. Soon it’s time to go home.

It’s very cold outside. I never feel peaceful, but a rough life of Zhang Xiaofan,who is a character in a novel. I wonder that the lonely feeling is so strong, maybe I need to be cared as I’m sicking. the mood is rather than waitting for.

Two days, everything happened on this year will be history, it destines to become a part of mine. I will be the age of 28, a third life is passed by, what else is left? That’s the only question I need think about.

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