
Fix mbr record in windows xp

Yesterday i reinstalled my ubuntu, but i don’t know how to destory my mbr record. I’ve 2 hard drives, one is 120G IDE hard drive installed Ubuntu, the other is 250G SATA harddrive installed Window Xp. And usually 120G harddrive is my first boot disk, and grub should be installed there. But last night i installed Grub2, I don’t know how to rewrite my 250g disk’s mbr.

Okay,right now let me fix it. You need administrative privileges to make it work!

First,you need a tool named “MBR Fix”, click here to download.

Second, extract it to a directory. You can find there’s only one command line tool.

Third, open your dos prompt, cd to the directory where your mbrfix locates. Forth, use this grammer to fix your mbr.

MbrFix /drive <numfixmbr {/vista|/win7}

Update MBR code to W2K/XP/2003, Vista or Win7

And here below is all available command:

MbrFix /drive <numdriveinfo Display drive information MbrFix /drive <numdrivesize Returns drive size in MB as return value MbrFix /drive <numlistpartitions Display partition information MbrFix /drive <numsavembr <fileSave MBR and partitions to file MbrFix /drive <numrestorembr <fileRestore MBR and partitions from file MbrFix /drive <numfixmbr {/vista|/win7} Update MBR code to W2K/XP/2003, Vista or Win7 MbrFix /drive <numclean Delete all partitions on the selected disk MbrFix /drive <numreadsignature {/byte} Read disk signature from MBR MbrFix /drive <numwritesignature <hexWrite disk signature to MBR MbrFix /drive <numgeneratesignature Generate disk signature in MBR MbrFix /drive <numreadstate Read state from byte 0x1b2 in MBR MbrFix /drive <numwritestate <stateWrite state to byte 0x1b2 in MBR MbrFix /drive <numreaddrive <startsector<sectorcount<file Save sectors from drive to file MbrFix /drive <num/partition <partfixbootsector <osUpdate Boot code in boot sector MbrFix /drive <num/partition <partgetpartitiontype Get partition type Set partition type MbrFix /drive <num/partition <partsetactivepartition Set active partition MbrFix /drive <numgetactivepartition Get active partition MbrFix volumeinformation driveletter Get volume information for partition MbrFix flush {driveletter(s)} Flush files to disk for partition MbrFix listpartitiontypes List partition types
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